Some of our greatest insights and clarity in terms of what we want to be, have and do come when we are relaxed on holiday. Then it’s back to our busy work and ‘life’ and all is forgotten…So this retreat has been designed so you can take time out of your busy life and have the opportunity to ‘De-Stress and Assess’ and also leave with a plan for how to get from where you are now to where you want to be.

Alongside some sessions which will help you find your purpose, discover your passions and create your life vision, there will be the opportunity to relax, swim, hike, play tennis and enjoy the beautiful historic surroundings.

If you are still undecided, this retreat could be for you if:

  • Your life feels like a shoe that’s a size too small…
  • Every day you try to squeeze yourself into the same story, the same routine, the same demands, disappointments and frustrations
  • Your life right now isn’t exactly bad. You’ve actually got it pretty good. But it’s not working for you. Not anymore. You’ve outgrown it … 10x over.
  • You want to make some changes. You’re just not sure how.
  • You want to create something new, different, more…
  • You are looking for a career that you’re passionate about. A more creative, satisfying way of working. Better or new friendships or relationships….
  • Or maybe you’re ready for a complete overhaul? Maybe everything needs to change… your work, where you live, who you know and how you show up in the world.
  • What if you could easily make these changes in a way that energized you rather than depleted you?
  • What if this were THE year you let go of what no longer works and started moving from where you are to where you want to be… to a life that fits like a custom-made shoe?

If you are ready to take action to create the life you want and would like further information, please request an application at This event is limited to a maximum of six people.

Here's what Penny thought, after attending the Retreat:

Treadgold Executive Development would like to work with you to get you from where you are to where you want to be.