Susan Treadgold, Director


Susan is an experienced and professionally qualified corporate and executive coach, award-winning speaker, best-selling author and transformational trainer. Prior to that, Susan spent 16 years gaining extensive corporate and management experience at a senior level in Equity Sales, Research and Corporate Marketing in investment banks DLJ, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and Citigroup. Passionate about helping people reach their full potential, she has developed training courses, facilitated development workshops and mentored high potential individuals throughout her career.

Specialty Coaching Scenarios:

1) Senior professionals that are good executers but poor managers/low EQ,

2) mastering ‘Career Critical’ interactions and presentations,

3) new hires/promotions (‘First 90 Days coaching’),

4) High Performance Coaching -advanced curriculum-based coaching and training and

5) women seeking to enhance their executive presence, confidence, energy levels and leadership capabilities.


Masters in Corporate & Executive Coaching, NLP Practitioner, MBTI practitioner, EBW (Emotions & Behaviours in the Workplace) Practitioner, Jack Canfield Train the Trainer as well as degrees in Business, German and The Theory and Practice of Visual Arts, Certified High Performance Coach. She is a guest lecturer at Kings College London and in her spare time Susan volunteers as a coach for TeachFirst and is also an active member of ‘London Women’s Forum’, ‘Women in Banking and Finance’ and ‘Toastmasters’ public speaking and leadership organisation. Mother of two cheeky children.

Associates: For further details on Treadgold Executive Development’s Associate coaches, including corporate communication, presentation/pitch/sales training and style/wardrobe consultations please contact us at Find out more here about the best-selling book that Susan wrote, “The High Performing Woman -52 Take Action Tips for Greater Confidence, Energy and Impact”

Treadgold Executive Development would like to work with you to get you from where you are to where you want to be.